Saturday, July 31, 2010

A Special Invitation For Joining a System of Freedom and Abundance

Thank you for your interest in visiting the blog. That says a lot about you and your dedication and commitment to becoming more successful in every area of your life.

I’m very passionate. And when I find something I’m excited about, I have to share it with my friends; especially when it is a unique opportunity to learn and make a great deal of money. That’s why I’m sharing this amazing gift with you today. (Please keep an open mind.)

I’m going to start by giving you a little background and then I’m going to give you a personal invitation to get in on the ground floor.

A friend of mine decided to launch his own multi-level marketing business opportunity in 1996. In roughly 18 months, 200,000 people wisely stepped out on faith, and joined him in his new multi-level marketing venture. Gross sales exceeded $250,000,000. Yes, that’s two hundred and fifty million dollars! The organization’s stock price went from .50 cents to $35 per share.

The Wall Street critics said it couldn’t be done and they were wrong. They went from making jokes about MLMs and criticizing my friend – to joining the organization and buying up as many shares as they could. They rode his coattails and made a fortune. Not only did Wall Street insiders make a fortune, so did a slew of others. Hundreds made fortunes. Many made millions. The one’s who made it, kept an open mind. They believed they could do it. They stepped out on faith. AND they invested in themselves. They were teachable. They were also the ones who were true leaders. And they wisely shunned the critics and their negative friends and relatives. The ones who made a fortune followed the sales and marketing plan EXACTLY as my friend laid it out for them. That’s all it took!

Can you imagine where you might be today financially if you were one of the smart people who got in to his last MLM venture at the beginning and took advantage of his sales and marketing plan?

A few years later, he decided to sell his stock in the company. He took his profits which were handsome to say the least.

Now, he’s getting back into the game with 30 of his wealthiest friends, and doing it all over again. And this company will be MUCH bigger than the last.

My friend and over 30 of his wealthy friends from around the world just launched a brand new ground floor, opportunity of a lifetime called…The Global Information Network (GIN).

You can learn more about The Global Information Network at… (scroll to the bottom of this page for instructions on how to join)

The Global Information Network is a private exclusive club and members-only organization. To become a member, you have to be invited by a current member. That’s me. The Global Information Network helps its members create wealth and financial freedom.

Today, I’m personally inviting you to join and become a member.

This private, member-only organization can help you achieve wealth and have, be or do everything and anything you’ve ever desired.

Global Information Network members get access to dozens of workshops, seminars, retreats, summits, symposiums and meetings that are put on all over the world. At these meetings, you can learn how to make money in real estate, investing, home-based businesses and a variety of other wealth-creation topics. As a member, you will gain instant access to these exclusive private events absolutely FREE. These are a must for a serious freedom and abundance minded person! I personally attend as many of these events as possible. The Global Information Network not only schedules events throughout the United States – they hold them all over the world. I will likely meet you at one.

To read dozens of testimonials from members, please visit…

The benefits of membership also include an online, members-only library of written materials, audios and video information. There are virtually hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of training materials available for FREE to all members. You can learn about making money, health, the law of attraction, investment opportunities, psychology and much more. As a serious freedom and abundance minded person, you’ll be like a kid in a candy store! I spend hours per day in the member-library!

There are also many other benefits to becoming a Global Information Network member, the subjects covered include:

  • How to make money and create wealth.

  • How to invest and trade in equities, commodities, and currencies.

  • How to invest in real estate.

  • Asset protection, setting up trusts, foundations, and corporate structures.

  • Raising money, getting credit, financing and venture capital or investors for business ventures.

  • Opening offshore bank accounts.

  • Getting a second passport.

  • Living abroad.

  • Buying and investing in gold and silver and other precious metals.

  • How Where and When to invest for maximum profits.

  • New ground floor business opportunities.

  • How to get out of debt, fix bad credit and increase credit scores.

  • How to set up and prosper in home based businesses.

  • How to buy real estate with little or no money down.

  • How to make money in mail order, TV infomercials, direct response marketing and internet businesses.

  • How to develop wealth and secure retirement.

  • How to get grants that never have to be paid back.

  • How others have turned a $1,000 investment into millions of dollars in just a few years.

  • How members have made investment returns of 300% -3,000%.

  • How to use the law of attraction and other advanced techniques to have, be or do everything you desire.

  • How to attract things into your life such as a new car, better job or career, a lover or better relationship or even better health.

  • How to develop emotional well being, be happier, more fulfilled, eliminate depression and anxiety.

  • How to overcome fears, phobias and insecurities.

  • How to remove blocks and feel happy whatever the financial or emotional climate you are facing.

  • How to feel powerful, and in control with all people and in all situations.

  • How to read energy, virtually read people’s minds, expand your psychic ability and predict the future.

  • How to gain confidence, and a feeling of security and certainty in life.

  • How to get people to like you.

  • Dramatically improve your health and learn the natural non drug and non surgical ways to cure and prevent virtually every disease.

  • You will learn the closely guarded secrets of various secret societies and what really goes on behind closed doors in these powerful controlling groups, and how it could affect you and your future.

  • How others have raised $10k cash In 24 hours and made over $100k cash in just 90 days.

  • How to create perpetual money making machine, giving you a permanent monthly residual income from various sources from around the world.

  • How to save up to 70% off most of the goods and services you are currently buying from year to year.

  • How to maintain an inner sense of calm and control, whatever the outer conditions you are facing might be.

  • How to get trips, vacations, and cars for free or at dramatically reduced prices. You will have inside information on the unexplained, unidentified flying objects, and things like extrasensory perception or psychic phenomena.

As a MEMBER, you will have the opportunity to be in business with, or invest with wealthy, affluent, successful people from around the world.

You can check out all the member benefits by going to…

For the first time ever, an opportunity of this type is being launched all over the world simultaneously. This is a total ground floor opportunity. You can get in at the beginning. As a serious freedom and abundance seeking person, you’re among the very first people to be hearing about this. To give you an idea how big this will get, I want to share something with you. In just the last few months, people have joined in over 100 countries. This is growing faster than my friend’s MLM organization did. As I said before, and will say again, those who are smart enough to get in on the ground floor of this opportunity, have the best chance to make the most money quickly. Hopefully, you have the depth of vision to see the possibilities for you and your family. As a serious success seeking student, I’m sure you can spot a great opportunity from a mile away. This type of opportunity is unique and one-of-a-kind.

The benefits of becoming a member are beyond your wildest imagination. One you become a Global Information Network member, you will be taught the “confidential” moneymaking component that makes the network even more unique and groundbreaking in every respect.

If you follow the sales and marketing plan EXACTLY as it’s laid out, in just 90 days from today, you could be making more money than you ever imagined. This is the most revolutionary membership organization and moneymaking opportunity I’ve ever seen. Nothing like this has ever been done before. What makes this opportunity so incredible is the multi-level marketing twist. This is what is sure to make this the fastest growing organization of its kind, of all time.

You may be telling yourself that this sounds great but you hate selling. No worries. First of all, you could join and get more than your monies worth by simply going to all the amazing events and accessing all the “members-only” confidential information you will be granted access to. That’s perfectly fine.

As a serious success seeking human being, you are obviously more ambitious than most people. So, I’m going to go out on a limb here and guess that you want to make big money. Sound like you? The bottom line is that you can earn large commissions when you sign up new members. You also can get paid when your new members sign up others. Sound good so far?

Now if you want to take advantage of the moneymaking component – but hate selling – you’re covered. There are confidential programs that you will learn about where you can get “Hot Leads” for new members that you can sign up. OR you can have the Global Information Network Lead Conversion Team do all the leg work and sell memberships for you by utilizing their “Lazy Man’s Way to a Fortune” program. This is one component other MLMs DON’T have. You never have to bug friends, relatives, neighbors or coworkers. In fact, you virtually never have to talk to anyone. You could potentially make hundreds of thousands of dollars in your bathrobe, working from your kitchen table, without ever leaving your house.

I’ve been in plenty of other MLMs and I believe more millionaires will come out of the Global Information Network faster than any other organization of its kind.


In just the last few months, many members made big money. In fact…one member who did EXACTLY what I said, made over $148,200 his first month and $288,600 in his second. This same member is now well over one million dollars.

So there you have it. The ship is sailing. The question remains, “Are you coming on board or are you going to watch another opportunity sail away?”

I am personally inviting you to join with me and become a member. Remember, membership is by invitation-only.

I have been down this path before. There is a very specific sales and marketing plan that you can follow and make a virtual fortune. The Global Information Network has the blueprint to make this work. It’s proven. No need to reinvent the wheel. You could be potentially developing a permanent monthly residual income. You could achieve financial freedom and independence. Imagine making $5000, $10,000, $20,000 or even $50,000 per month, without ever leaving your home.


Even if you don’t want to do any prospecting, there is a system in place that can send you pre-qualified “Hot Leads” of people that you can contact to become members under you. And if you don’t want to do any selling, the Global Information Network Lead Conversion Team can do the selling for you through their “Lazy Man’s Way to a Fortune” program.


Regardless of whether you decide to take advantage of the moneymaking component or not, you will have access to all the members-only events, retreats and symposiums (worth thousands). They feature legendary bestselling authors and teachers on health, building businesses, investing, the law of attraction, psychology and more. You will also be granted access to a confidential library (worth hundreds of thousands of dollars) of reference materials on hundreds of success-oriented subjects.

I have some questions for you to consider…

If not now, when?

If not the Global Information Network, then what?

Do you yourself a favor. Believe in me. Believe in yourself. Step out on faith. Invest in yourself. And commit to doing whatever it takes to make all your dreams come true.

You can learn more about the Global Information Network at…

Please make sure to listen to the presentation (on the homepage) called “Personal Invitation - Why you should join GIN.”

Oh…one more thing…

If you decide to join, please use my personal affiliate code - SUPERSUCCESS

The cost of membership is a $1,000 initiation fee and $150 monthly dues.

For the month of January, the GIN Counsel will offer every person who becomes a member a ‘payment plan’ for the $1000 initiation fee. You can pay $100 a month for the first 15 months in addition to the $150 per month dues, this will help defer the cost of the initial payment.

Once you become a member, you can take advantage of all the benefits of being an official Global Information Network member.

This is the ultimate opportunity for someone like yourself --- a serious success minded person.

You can do it! I believe in you! Remember, don’t let anyone steal your dreams.


You can signup here:

Affiliate Code: SUPERSUCCESS

Contact me: